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Eliminate Risk thanks to Business Objects Automated Regression Testing

We were recently visiting a customer on the West coast and heard an amazing story. A utility company in California was sending incorrect invoices to customers due to calculation engine changes in SAP BusinessObjects.

This company is currently not one of GB And Smith’s customers. So we are not sure whether they recently applied an SAP BusinessObjects service pack or migrated to another version of BusinessObjects. Either of those can result in calculation engine changes. It sounded like invoice amounts were incorrect in the wrong direction! Can you imagine how upset their customers were!


Any time you make a change to your Business Objects environment, you can potentially impact the results of your reports. These changes include Universe updates, applying a service pack, upgrading your database, etc.

Using 360Bind is the most efficient way to ensure that no change in your environment will impact your SAP BusinessObjects reports.

Indeed 360Bind is an automated regression testing tool that allows you to compare your report results across environments or across versions. You can quickly pinpoint any existing regressions with 360Bind. As a result it will save so much time and effort, while reducing risks! If your organization reports data to the public, or your customers rely on data the you provide them, then absolute data accuracy is mandatory! Implementing 360Bind eliminates the potential risk of communicating incorrect data or sending incorrect invoices to your customers. Data consistency is vital, especially if you are using BOBJ for external or internal communications.

Do not cross your fingers and hope your manual testing was thorough enough! You need a guarantee that does not rely on luck! Before making any change to your Business Objects platform, contact us for a free trial of 360Bind.

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