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UNV to UNX conversion in just
4 steps using 360Suite solutions


It’s Time To Convert Today

We all know UNV are dead and organizations need to start converting their UNV to UNX today. What was only once possible in the Information Design Tool (IDT) is now available in our governance solutions for SAP BusinessObjects, 360Suite! This article will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to carry out your UNV to UNX conversion with us.


UNV To UNX Conversion In Just A Few Clicks

Discover how to convert your UNV to UNX in just a few simple steps:

1. Select the 360Univ product on the left-hand side menu.


2. Select your UNV from the list you want to convert (this can be as many as you want).


3. Choose among the options in the pop-up window (these are the same ones that are in the IDT).


4. Click Apply.


Example of the UNV to UNX conversion log file.

Depending on the number of UNX you are converting this can take a few minutes but it’s as simple as that! You can then go back to your SAP BusinessObjects environment, and you’ll see the newly converted UNX. Not only does our solution convert UNV to UNX on mass but it also logs everything, for example, the UNV to convert, dates, and the options chosen.

The advantages of using 360Suite solutions to do this are that it can all be done from one web page and it can be done in just a few clicks. Read our case study of how one of our customers, Gustave Roussy, successfully converted their UNV to UNX using the 360Suite solutions.

Important to remember: After you’ve converted your UNV to UNX you’ll want to backup, repoint your WebI reports, and test. Download our guide on how to carry out this using our SAP BusinessObjects governance solutions. 


Ready To See The Magic Happen?

Are you ready to convert your UNV to UNX with a click of a button? Our solutions will allow you to do just that. Get in touch with us today to kick off your project.

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