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All Your Tableau Blueprint
Resources In One Place


We’ve Got You Covered

If you’re at the stage where putting in place Tableau Blueprint is the next project for your organization, you’ll most likely be researching resources that will advise and help you kick start the project. Well, today’s your lucky day — this article gathers all the important and useful resources on Tableau Blueprint from tools, recommendations, and blog articles to make sure you have everything you need to become data-driven. 


You Can Never Have Too Many Tableau Blueprint Resources

Tableau Content

What better way to start than Tableau’s website itself to learn about this framework:


Complete Guide: Meet Tableau Blueprint
Let Tableau introduce and explain to you its framework for organizations to become data-driven: 

  • Governed and Trusted Data
    Tableau defines governance and explains the benefits of having governed and trusted data across your organization. 
  • Tableau Data and Content Governance
    Access the Data and Content Governance Models worksheet that walks you through the key considerations for defining centralized, delegated, and self-governing models.
  • Tableau Governance
    Tableau explains why governance is at the heart of Tableau Blueprint and the importance of it in order to make self-service analytics possible. 
  • Tableau Maintenance
    Discover the recommended maintenance activities needed to be put in place on your Tableau platform. 

Video: Rocky Mountain Tableau User Group 2021
Watch Jeremy Blaney, Tableau Blueprint Director, discussing this framework at a recent virtual user group.

Video Tableau Blueprint: The Hammer and Nail Edition
Michael Cox, Solutions Director, at Tableau describes the Blueprint principles and how to concretely apply them in a development phase.

White Paper: Establishing A Data Culture
Tableau explains the importance of a data culture within an organization; an important part of the Tableau Blueprint framework.


Third-Party Resources

Learn even more about Tableau Blueprint from organizations that can help and advise you:


Wiiisdom Resources 

What is Tableau Blueprint? 
In this blog, we explain the concept of Tableau Blueprint and what every step on the subway route entails. 

6 Reasons Why Organizations Should Put Tableau Blueprint In Place
Discover the main reasons why organizations should put in place the Tableau Blueprint methodology from Wiiisdom. 

Enabling The Tableau Blueprint Framework With Wiiisdom Ops
Learn how Wiiisdom Ops can help you enable Tableau Blueprint and implement repeatable processes within your organization to successfully become data-driven. 


Third-Party Content

How can I use Tableau Blueprint?
Massive Insights and Vivek Nankissoor explain each step of the Tableau Blueprint framework and answer the question on how to use the Tableau Blueprint.

Follow The Tableau Blueprint: Five Red Flag Practices To Avoid
Read the five red flags to avoid when it comes to using Tableau according to Benjamin Du at InterWorks. 

How to Harness the Power of Your Data with Tableau Blueprint
Onebridge provides a beginner’s guide to Tableau Blueprint so you can scale the use of data within your organization. 

Video: Tableau Blueprint Series
Biztory created a mini-series of short descriptive videos on the Tableau Blueprint covering topics such as user surveys, Blueprint Assessment, and Practical tasks examples.

Ebook: A Practitioner Guide to Tableau Blueprint
USEReady, a leader in educating users on analytics best practices, has created a guide providing detailed explanations of every part of the methodology. 



Last but not least, we thought that these tools/solutions will be helpful in your journey on the Blueprint subway.


Tableau Tools

Tableau Blueprint Planner
Tableau created a specific Blueprint planner that will help you to gather all the information needed to successfully put the methodology into practice. 

Tableau Server Management
When running large deployments, Tableau Server Management becomes critical to better manage servers and optimize workloads. 

Tableau Catalog
Tableau Catalog gives you a complete overview of the data and how it is connected to the analytics in your Tableau environment, increasing data trust and visibility. 

Tableau Prep Conductor
The Tableau Prep Conductor allows you to publish, run and schedule flows in your server environment so that the data is always prepared and ready for analysis. 

Tableau Content Migration Tool
Use the Tableau Content Migration Tool to manage content movement between projects, sites, or Tableau Server environments.


Third-Party Tools

Wiiisdom Ops
Wiiisdom Ops is an agile governance solution that allows you to enable Tableau Blueprint through automated testing of your Tableau dashboards.

DashboardUsage 2.0 for AppsforTableau
This tool can help you with the Measurement stop of the Blueprint subway. It can measure what’s happening on your favorite dashboards such as events, client information, and even extension usage.


The Ball’s In Your Court Now

And that’s a wrap! You now have all the resources you need to understand and put in place Tableau Blueprint to become a data-driven organization. Remember that this framework will allow you to scale your Tableau deployment and most importantly provide analytics trust with your organization. Trust in analytics is essential to be able to make reliable business decisions. If you have any questions or are ready to start your journey to be data-driven, get in contact with us today.

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