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Introducing Wiiisdom for Power BI:
Your Power BI Testing
and Analytics Governance Solution


After months (maybe even years?!) of hard work, I’m thrilled to announce our latest solution, Wiiisdom for Power BI! Wiiisdom for Power BI is a no-code solution that automates Power BI dataset and report testing and streamlines your analytics governance workflows, helping you minimize risk exposure and build trust in data and analytics. Before we dig deeper into the product’s capabilities, I wanted to take a moment to talk about why we created this solution.


Do your reports have errors?

How many of you have experienced a scenario like this?


Imagine you access a report to pull the latest numbers for a meeting… and it doesn’t work. You ping a business analyst to see what’s happening. This person says, “Oops, something happened to the data source. I can fix it, but it’ll take time.” Great, except that’s time you don’t have. You need the data for a meeting now.

As painful as that is, at least you know something is wrong. Unfortunately, some issues are not noticeable until it’s too late. Consider another scenario. You log in to Power BI and access a report. Everything looks correct, so you make a decision and take action. But only later do you realize that the data was incorrect.

I imagine you are all nodding at your computer screen or phone and maybe laughing (or crying!). Don’t worry, we’ve all been there.

People face this reality every day. At Wiiisdom, we’ve been solving this problem for more than 15 years, and now we’re excited to empower more people to do the same through our new solution, Wiiisdom for Power BI!


Automated testing for Power BI

The beauty of Wiiisdom for Power BI is that anyone can build, run, and schedule comprehensive tests directly in the cloud to ensure datasets and reports are accurate. Let’s dive deeper into some of the tests available in Wiiisdom for Power BI.

Dataset Validations

Wiiisdom offers statistical validations and value checks so you can easily confirm that your Power BI datasets have been refreshed and match the underlying data source. It’s also a breeze to validate the accuracy of your data model using granularity value checks (i.e., is this data at the right level of detail) and row count tests (i.e., does this table have the expected number of rows). Again, each of these tests is simple to use. With a few clicks (not dozens or hundreds of lines of code), you finally have the power to test smarter, not harder.


Regression Testing for Reports

Wiiisdom also helps you find and remediate issues with reports through automated regression testing. In just a few clicks, you can run A/B tests to confirm that your Power BI reports function the same before and after publishing content, Power BI updates, and database migrations. The days of eye-balling differences are behind you. With Wiiisdom, you have the power to scale!


Publishing Content

Most organizations use multiple workspaces to manage their BI content such as Development, Test, and Production. Wiiisdom lets you deploy content from one workspace to another as part of an integrated workflow. One, two, three—test, test, and deploy your dataset and report to Production. It really is that easy!

Automation and Notifications

As I mentioned, you can schedule your tests at whatever cadence makes sense (hourly, weekly, monthly, etc.), allowing you to find quality issues proactively. With seamless integrations to Microsoft Teams, Slack, email, and other applications, you’ll receive instant notification of issues so you can quickly take action.


Ready for a demo?

Implementing an automated testing solution like Wiiisdom for Power BI will help you build trust and confidence in your Power BI reports and ensure your decisions are accurate and reliable.

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