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How BI Testing Solutions Can Improve
Your Tableau Server Monitoring Strategy


Tableau Server Monitoring For Your Dashboards

Operating a Tableau Server deployment at scale and ensuring performance user expectations are met requires continuous and proactive monitoring. Server and System Administrators should use a combination of actions to monitor their Tableau Server, for example, hardware usage monitoring, data from Tableau Server’s Repository, and external tools to monitor the health of Tableau Server. In this article, you will discover the importance of Tableau Server monitoring for your dashboards and how you can leverage our automated testing solution in your monitoring strategy.


The Importance of a Tableau Server Monitoring Strategy

In the words of Tableau, a “set-it-and-forget-it” deployment will fail to meet the needs of highly-engaged users, and so implementing the right Tableau Server monitoring strategy is critical to ensure your deployment success. Here are three reasons why a strategy is important: 

1. Supporting deployment at scale
Proactively monitoring your Tableau Server dashboards helps maintain a deployment at scale.

2. Ensuring optimal health
It’s important to guarantee optimal health and performance with the ability to troubleshoot as needed.

3. Leveraging the right tools
Implementing the proper tools, alerts and logs are needed to support monitoring.


Learn more about Tableau Server monitoring in the Tableau Blueprint Guide

Did somebody say Wiiisdom Ops?

Leveraging a solution for Tableau Server monitoring is one of the best ways to ensure it’s done properly. Our automated testing solution for Tableau, Wiiisdom Ops, provides you with the capabilities to:

  • Ensure sufficient capacity for future growth and peak usage spikes: stress test your platform and anticipate future growth needs.
  • Configure built-in alerts to be notified of failed tests on your reports.
  • Actively keep an eye on your report performance and response times to ensure a good user experience.


How well are you monitoring Tableau Server?

Have you got a monitoring strategy in place? A Tableau Server monitoring strategy is essential in ensuring your deployment supports the workload of your users and maintains a healthy and performant platform. Wiiisdom Ops allows you to put in place tests to actively and automatically monitor your deployment at all times. If you’d like to discuss your project in more detail, get in touch with us today.

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